We’ve got a sexy date at The Yard

February is the month of lurrrvvvvveee and we’re starting it off with a sexy date at The Yard, Dundee, this Saturday and Sunday (4th//5th) 11am until 4pm, at 71 Brewing, 36-40 Bellfield St, Dundee DD1 5HZ.

For those who don’t know, The Yard is Dundee’s answer to those trendy city markets that we’ve always dreamt of in the city of Jute, jam, and journalism. Think local crafts, live music, tasty bits, street food, beer and coffee wot we have made. So that’s kinda cool.

Just as we’re sitting here writing this, we’ve had this crazy, whacky, amazing idea to run an in-person competition on the day – winner gets a free EH9 T-shirt. Come see us on the day to find out the details.

We’ll be filling our hopper with the last few kilos of our exclusive espresso, sourced for us by Cairngorm Coffee Roasters – It’s a Colombian coffee, but not like the usual Colombian coffee that you’ll have encountered. It’s got vibes and that’s what we’re bringing!!

No booking required, just rock up.

More info here:


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